Stress management

Stress, insomnia, anxiety, lack of concentration and easy fatigability stems from an imbalance between the mind and the shen. This could be a result of long term emotional suppression, work overload, sudden grief or dealing with a chronic illness. Such conditions respond well to a combination of acupuncture, moxa and cupping therapies. Coupled with them, the required dietary changes and lifestyle modification equips you to deal with challenges in life better.
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Stress management

Stress, insomnia, anxiety, lack of concentration and easy fatigability stems from an imbalance between the mind and the shen. This could be a result of long term emotional suppression, work overload, sudden grief or dealing with a chronic illness. Such conditions respond well to a combination of acupuncture, moxa and cupping therapies. Coupled with them, the required dietary changes and lifestyle modification equips you to deal with challenges in life better.
As per Classical Chinese Medicine, regular Acupuncture sessions in the long run promote production and circulation of Qi, blood and body fluids as well as aids the transformation process by eliminating toxins through sweat, urine and faeces. This in turn optimises immunity, improves appetite, energy levels and sleep, regularises bowel movements and helps manage stress better. The safety profile of acupuncture is excellent, with very few adverse events when performed by a trained practitioner. As no two patients are alike, the duration of the treatment vastly depends on the patient’s age, health habits and the severity of the condition.