Chronic back pain

Back pain is one of the commonest pain issues and a major reason for missing work. It can range from a mild ache to a severe debilitating pain, that limits movement. The lower back (lumbar vertebrae) especially, is more prone for injuries or sprains due to its weight-bearing function as well as twisting/ bending movements. Most patients approach us when anti-inflammatory medications, hot or cold compress and physiotherapy fail to provide relief.

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Chronic back pain

Back pain is one of the commonest pain issues and a major reason for missing work. It can range from a mild ache to a severe debilitating pain, that limits movement. The lower back (lumbar vertebrae) especially, is more prone for injuries or sprains due to its weight-bearing function as well as twisting/ bending movements. Most patients approach us when anti-inflammatory medications, hot or cold compress and physiotherapy fail to provide relief.

Causative Factors :

As per Classical Chinese Medicine, the root cause could be just a blockage of Qi along the affected meridians or may be a deep pathology of Kidney Qi which nourishes the bones or Spleen Qi which nourishes the muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Methodology :

As per Classical Chinese Medicine, regular Acupuncture sessions in the long run promote production and circulation of Qi, blood and body fluids as well as aid the transformation process by eliminating toxins through sweat, urine and faeces. This, in turn optimises immunity, improves appetite, energy levels and sleep, regularises bowel movements and helps manage stress better.

The safety profile of acupuncture is excellent, with very few adverse events when performed by a trained practitioner.
As no two patients are alike, the duration of the treatment vastly depends on the patient’s age, health habits and the severity of the condition.